My ramblings, my photos, photography, image editing, etc.

Our Garden & Fairburn Ings

A few recent photos. Click on an image to see it in its gallery.

I keep taking my camera out into the garden when I spot things. I think this time it was Orange Tip butterflies that caught my attention. I reckon that their wings act like solar panels. With the sun on them they seem to have the energy to keep flying for ages.

Hoverflies search out areas where the sun shines through the leaves so that they really stand out as they hover against the darker surroundings. They hover for a few seconds and then flash to another ray of sunshine.

The two photos of the flowering Chive show the affect of aperture on depth of field and are included more for my photographer friends. The first one was taken with a aperture of f2.8 and shows only a couple of flower heads in focus. The second was taken with an aperture of f13 and shows more flower heads and stems as clear.

Just under where the Hoverfly was flitting about the sun was also lighting up some Aquilegia flowers.

On Friday I went along to RSPB Fairburn Ings with my camera. I didn’t spend long there and each time I walked up to the Kingfisher viewing screen I saw a flash of blue as one flew away. I decided to be patient and waited. A Great Crested Grebe came along the stream. This was the first time I had seen one on such a small stream. It has a rather nice crest and an impressive mullet.

After a few minutes a Kingfisher came along but spent most of its time mainly hidden behind leaves. Fortunately it also landed on the strategically placed branch.

Robins, Wrens, Blue tits, Great Tits, Coal Tits and Sparrows could be heard and seen using the feeders, and Chiff Chaffs could be heard high in the trees. I managed to spot one of them and got a couple of the usual style of photos of such birds – looking up at it in the tree.


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