On Friday I went out with my camera even though the sky was grey. It was not until I tried to take a photo, and checked the camera settings, that I realised how poor the light was. Taking a photo of anything moving was going to be difficult.
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Crag Hebble Dam
One of the reasons for going out was to actually use my Christmas present, a new Benro GH5C Carbon Fibre Gimbal Head, that was a VERY good price from Wex before Christmas. It is mounted on a 2nd hand tripod that I bought from a fellow member of Bingley Camera Club. Given that there is either a wall or railings at the right height for resting my camera on around the dam the gimbal did not get much use.

A female Kingfisher was fishing in the dam and at one point another Kingfisher flew around the edge and headed down stream. The female, with a few peeps, followed it.
The photo of the reeds was taken as a possible entry for round 3 of the Club’s running competition – Different Perspectives.
Trench Meadow
Having seen 4 Grey Herons in one of the fields near the dam I decided to head down to the river and look in the fields behind Bradford Amateur Rowing Club. There were dozens of Canada Geese but no Herons.
On the way through Trench Meadow I spotted a male Kestrel at the top of a lone, small tree in the middle of the field. As I watched it it flew off and caught something next to some long grass and then went high up in a large tree, presumably to eat it.
On the way back to Shipley Glen the cloud cover thinned slightly and the Sun became visible. It looked more like the Moon than the Sun and I took a photo of it wondering if the cloud cover would make it resemble the Moon. I then noticed dark patches that stayed in the same place on the Sun – sunspots.

Just next to the path from Crag Hebble, before getting to the gate to Trench Meadow I spotted a holder for flower arranging foam that spelt NANNA. It seemed a long way for it to be carried for throwing it away so I wondered if originally put there, with flowers, as part of a celebration or memorial. And a little further over from the path I spotted the remains of a radio controlled model car half buried in mud. Again it seemed a long way to carry something to fly-tip it, perhaps someone lost control of it and then couldn’t find it. So I lifted it out of the mud but there was not battery. I already had enough to carry so I left it.
A few minutes after taking the low cloud views over Shipley a small triangular patch of blue sky appeared with a vapour trail across it. Within seconds it closed up and that was the only view of the sky that day.
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