My ramblings, my photos, photography, image editing, etc.

First December 2024 visit to Denso NR

On Sunday 1 December I made my first December visit to Denso Marston Nature Reserve. I only spent a couple of hours there – and didn’t once see or hear a Kingfisher. I did have a first for the reserve for me though – a rabbit. However I’m not posting a photo of it because its eyes did not look good. I think it had Myxomatosis.

The header image is a view of Baildon Bank taken from down near the reserve with my long lens.

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A Woodpecker Tongue

The reserve was quiet i.e. not much noise, even the Robins were not singing much. I did hear a squawk of a Jay and a few noisy Crows flew over, but most other activity was silent.

The Kestrel only spent a few seconds up in the top of the tree before a couple of Magpies asked it to move on. From the Spider Club feeding station I did see a Great Spotted Woodpecker playing hide & seek with me, it even stuck its tongue out at me.

A Pheasant was wandering around the feeding station but other smaller birds were keeping their distance because a Squirrel was tucking into the seeds of the feeder. Hanging upside down from it and then sitting on a branch to chew through the seeds it had – looking quite chunky and preparing a layer of fat or two for the winter. Easy picking for it really. Not like the Squirrel I saw high up in a Sycamore on Otley Road. Up high and on the edge of the tree looking very precarious as it ate the seeds. The photo doesn’t do it justice, it was taken from across the road, it doesn’t show how high up it was.

I did consider the Squirrel hanging upside down as a candidate for round three of the Bingley Camera Club Running Photo Competition, theme/title Different Perspective, but they would only go and display it the wrong way round so it looked nothing unusual, apart from that I have got some other good candidates. Fingers crossed.


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